For NOVOMATIC Italia, the system and rules for the management and control of Group companies play a primary role. The system of standards and guidelines outlined by the certifications in place in Group companies is continually subject to analysis and review, as well as to implementation whenever the desire to comply with the standards of an additional standard is identified, as a continuous guarantee of the care and attention paid to the Group's internal and external stakeholders.

The current recognition framework consists of the following certifications: ISO UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001 and UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 27001, and ISO 45001. These were joined in 2022 by the international certification G4 - Global Gambling Guidance Group; which attests to the company's commitment to consumer protection in the area of Responsible Gaming.
NOVOMATIC is the first company in Italy to obtain certification for its network of gaming rooms: the certified companies are in fact, in addition to the holding company, the ADMIRAL Gaming Network concessionaire, and the ALLSTAR and ALP companies, which manage 250 ADMIRAL and Le Palme by ADMIRAL branded points of sale in Italy.
Contacts and Downloads
For information on the NOVOMATIC Italia Group's Integrated Management System, write to