The NOVOMATIC Italia Group, sensitive to the need to ensure conditions of fairness and transparency in the conduct of business and corporate activities in order to protect its position and image, the expectations of the unique shareholder Novomatic AG and the work of its employees has adopted for the holding company and its subsidiaries the organizational, management and control models (so-called “MOGs”), suitable for preventing the commission of unlawful conduct (as per 231/2001 legislative decree) by its directors, employees and collaborators subject to control and coordination by the Company. The OMM represents a part of the internal control system of each company, supplemented by procedures, rules and organization.
The Company constantly monitors the effectiveness, adequacy and functioning of the internal control system, intervening to make the necessary corrections based on the supervisory and monitoring activities of the 231 Surveillance Body. Furthermore, in compliance with Law n.179/2017 - "Provisions for the protection of perpetrators of reports of crimes or irregularities of which they have become aware in the context of a public or private employment relationship" - it has established an alternative suitable reporting channel to guarantee, with computerized methods, the confidentiality of the identity of the reporting person, through the Whistleblowing Web platform.