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NOVOCASH VLT is the TOP of the range of money changing machines. Based on PC technology, it is easy to configure for all requirements. 

AN INNOVATIVE AND COMPETITIVE PRODUCT NOVOCASH VLT has been designed to leave nothing to chance: From the structure to the components, the aesthetics to practicability. One name only for many uses which make it unique of its kind in the field of cash to cash. 

EACH CHARACTERISTIC IS A TOUR DE FORCE IN THE VLTS OF THE NOVOLINE PLATFORM: Created for slot machine halls,  NOVOCASH VLT comes into its own when providing Ticket in - Ticket out change for the Vlts of the NOVOLINE platform. It automatically carries out the function of a normal cash desk. Security is a fundamental aspect of this type of change machine which requires of a considerable cash fund.

NOVOCASH VLT has been designed to leave nothing to chance: from structure to components, from aesthetics to practicality. It was born from the need to provide a product and a service aimed at improving and making more efficient the accounting management in the hall and the ticket payment process.

Contacts For more information write to: aftersales-vlt@novomatic.it
 or contact the toll-free number 800.858858 (option 3-3)


Quality details:

  • F2 coin recognition system
  • Able to read Vlt tickets and distribute the credit up to a sum of 999 Euro
  • 2 GigaLan ports for a double intranet management circuit
  • 3 auto-refillable hoppers + 3 mini hoppers for payment of cents.
  • 1 BILL to BILL reader reserve capacity 300 banknotes
  • 1 banknote dispenser with a maximum capacity of 2000 banknotes
  • 1 Ticket printer
  • 1 UPS continuity unit for data save


  • Free web portal for managing change remotely
  • Customisation Software
  • Updating using USB key
  • Customisable graphics (only for quantities)
  • Training courses

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